Golfella is a speedrunning platform game about golfing. Get ready to zoom through levels, meet a wacky cast of characters, and play through beautiful landscapes!

PC Layout: 

  • LMB - Hit
  • LMB + W | A | S | D - Directional Hits (different in air)
  • Hold RMB in air near ball - Focus Hit (slow down time and use mouse aim shot)
  • Shift - Slide / Slide Hit
  • Tab - Pause
  • R twice - Restart Level
  • F - Taunt
  • Space - Jump / Slide Jump
  • E - Start tutorial dialogue (can only be used next to Eagle)

Controller Layout:

  • X | Square - Hit
  • X | Square + Joystick direction - Directional Hits (different in air)
  • Hold Y | Triangle in air near ball - Focus Hit (slow down time and use joystick to aim shot)
  • L1 - Slide / Slide Hit
  • Select | Share - Pause Menu
  • Start | Options twice - Restart Level
  • R1 - Taunt
  • A | Cross - Jump / Slide Jump
  • B | Circle - Start tutorial dialogue (can only be used next to Eagle)

This is the basic version of the game. We are currently developing the deluxe edition with hopes of releasing it on and Steam. If you like this version and want to know when we release the next one then follow the game because we'll announce it here. We are students so any and all support helps! Thanks ;)


Download 144 MB


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This is a great game! I noticed you used smartshapes for the level collision, how did you do the wallrunning? I've been trying for a while now and i can never figure it out. Thanks!


Thanks! Wallrunning was really tough will smart shapes I'm not gonna lie. I think we "borrowed" the code from an open-source sonic fangame that had wallrunning, but that got tough to modify as the project went on. I believe it used a raycast system to check if the floor was getting closer or moving further away in front & behind the player and adjusted the rotation based on that. It probably used the normal vectors to do some math too or something like that. If you're still struggling with it, I can try to find that sonic project, but I can't promise anything haha

Thank you so much! The sonic project would be great, but you've already given me more than enough :D Was this the project you were talking about?

the controls are innacurate and incomplete on web build

(controller ones)



Made a video


my friend john recommended 


tell John he has good taste ;)

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I like this game, I really do. However, I found it to be frustrating at times. Another comment goes more into detail why this is, and I understand it, and agree, partially. The last level was genuinely frustrating for me, Ci couldn't get the gold medal, for quite some time. I also coudn't find the monkey on leve 1-5, I think it was. Did you forget to add it, or could I just not find it..?? The fact that there seems to be no other comment regarding it, most likely points to me just missing it, but I looked all over the level, thrice. Thrice I looked, thrice I found nothing but green or golfball. Still, a really fun game, and if you plan to make it longer, I'd recommend adding more story, and make the controls a bit less complex. I struggled with them a bit, and even hit a few balls the wrong way, meaning I had to restart the level from the beginning, 'cus I was trying to complete the level under, or in the time limit. There's also a way to hit the ball on the third moon level, I think it was, so that it gets stuck, on a platfrom you can't jump up to, and with a door locked on your level. There's also two places on the third moon level aswell; where the ball can get stuck under the terrain, at the beginning, which isn't so severe, as you can just hit it out of there, but still, and one place towards the end, where it can get lodged deep in the ground, meaning you have to restart the level, all the way from the beginning. Also, checkpoints would be nice. Other than that, I've had no issues with the game, except for the puzzles. They're a bit frustratimg, aswell, especially when you accidentally hit your ball the other way around. Still, I'd give this game a 7/10, just because it's so fun, and quite funny at times. Honestly, what you've got here is a pretty great game. You could even sell it, if you maybe quite a bit longer version, and expanded on the story a little. Would definitively recommend to friends, and family. Thank you for making a pretty fun, albeit at times frustrating short game.


nobody got time to read allat


This is a great game! The team must have worked so hard to create a fantastic game like this


Great game! 


Thank you for releasing such a fun game for free. Last night I streamed your game. Overall, I thought it was pretty fun, but at times kind of awkward to control.

This game strangely reminds me of one of those New Grounds/Miniclip finds that one might stumble across back in the day. Were I a high-schooler trying to pass my studyhall time away by procrastinating on my studies, this would have been a great game.

For a free game, the presentation is pretty nice with some nice art to open the game up with.
The controls are simple to understand, but are a bit awkward at times. A minor annoyance is the upward combo requires an awkward finger dance of pressing W, mouse click, then Space. Simple, yes, but a bit tough to adjust to. The awkward inertia and floaty jump also make controlling the player character quite tough, when it is already quite tough to just focus on controlling the ball itself. This also leads to frustrating moments where, when the player whiffs a shot, then may go flying past the ball, crest over a hill top and either have to fight the inertia to go up that hill to return to the ball, or potentially be unable to go back, requiring a restart. This can lead to some frustrating restarts. I feel like, in such a fast-paced game, a single whiffed shot is already punishment enough, having a bunch of time wasted having to clamber up a hillside just leads to frustration.
Similarly, some of the "puzzle" like elements begin to detract from what I think this game does best: comboing hits together and moving fast. If there ever were an "extended" version of this game, I think having "speed run" levels and "puzzle levels" be separate things entirely, instead of a frustrating frankenstein mash of the two together.

Regardless, this was a fun, short game that I enjoyed playing on stream! (The music could use some work though...I wound up having to replace the game's soundtrack with the soundtrack for my own upcoming game.)

If you'd like to watch my experience with your game, I've linked the archive below. You can click the timestamps to jump to when I start playing your game.


golf fella !!!!!!

Golffellfla !?!


I really like this game. Everything feels smooth, i like all the movement options and the different levels and it feels satisfying to THWACK that ball in the air. I really love the feature where you can line it up in the air with the arrow. definite 5/5

Thanks for the kind words and great feedback Goozer! We really appreciate you checking out our game!


Diggin it. I love the sense of speed. Nice game!

Thanks!! It means a ton to hear that. Thanks for checking out Golfella!!!


why can the dog talk this is unrealistic


where is the ez mode :( this game is too hard


git gud.


no :(